Took a dried rose and gave a compass because it’s time for a compass in the mutating collection. I don’t know where it came from, I must have found it and clipped it in my bag and as I’ve had a clear out of said bag, it’s something to give.

Took a compass for a grandchild who made an exchange at the Small Publisher’s Fair. I gave two art pens (which I bought from a friend who was moving studio). Art pens are designed to have a short life to make the manufacturers more money. To frustrate them, other uses for old pens need to be found – like scoring paper or tracing through carbon paper to transfer an image. So lots of life is left in an art pen deemed to be useless.

I swapped Berol for a fella.

I have swapped a little yellow frog rubber for some pretty wool for my friend who is a textile artist.

I have swapped a 10 year old Viennese tram ticket which has lived in my handbag for images of a 1962 book of matches. This justifies my keeping such detritus for so long!

I have taken jam pot labels and left a blue thimble and a label (brown)

I have exchanged a bead, the twin to one I used in a recent book, for a stone from Dunwich beach with several faces, thankyou.

I have put in a bag of marbles from a book arts day. I chose to take nothing out – except my memories of a great day!

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    The Exchanges

    A catalog of what has been exchanged, and what the exchanger described giving, and getting. Track your object, and update its status in the comments here.


    December 2011
    November 2011

